What Can I Expect at CCW?

Here are some answers to common questions.

We believe that God wants us to come as we are, so wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. We lean toward the casual side, but on any given Sunday you will see people wearing suits and people wearing jeans worshipping side-by-side. 

We generally open with contemporary worship, followed by a verse-by-verse teaching of the Word, followed by closing worship. We celebrate communion the first Sunday of every month, and anyone who calls Jesus Christ their Savior is welcome to partake. 

Our Sunday services are about 90 minutes, with forty-five devoted to worshipping the Lord through song and the other forty-five worshipping through the Word. 

Our Wednesday Services are about an hour, divided similarly. 

We have nursery and children's church provided at all of our services to love and teach children in an age-appropriate manner and to allow their parents to worship without distraction.

Our Youth ministries also meet during the 11AM service on Sundays and during our Wednesday night service for worship, teaching, and fellowship with fellow teens.